Semester 11st Semester 
1VHI1A2Pengantar Ilmu Pariwisata dan Hospitality21VHI1A2Introduction to Tourism and Hospitality2
2VHI1B3Reservasi Hotel32VHI1B3Hotel Reservations3
3VHI1C2Operasional Penyiapan Public Area Hotel23VHI1C2Operational Preparation of Hotel Public Areas2
4VHI1D3Operasional Restoran I34VHI1D3Restaurant Operations I3
5VHI1E3Teknik Pengolahan Makanan Kontinental35VHI1E3Continental Food Processing Techniques3
6VHI1F2Etika profesi26VHI1F2Professional ethics2
7VHI1G2Pengantar Manajemen27VHI1G2Introduction to Management2
8UHI1A2Pancasila 28UHI1A2Pancasila 2
9UWI1E1Pembentukan Karater HEI19UWI1E1HEI Character Formation1
Jumlah SKS 21Total Credits 21
Semester 22nd Semester 
1VHI1H3Registrasi Hotel31VHI1H3Hotel Registration3
2VHI1I2Operasional Penyiapan Kamar Hotel22VHI1I2Hotel Room Setup Operations2
3VHI1J3Operasional Restoran II33VHI1J3Restaurant Operations II3
4VHI1K3Teknik Pengolahan Makanan Oriental34VHI1K3Oriental Food Processing Techniques3
5VHI1L3Teknik Pengolahan  Roti Cepat dan Adonan Beragi35VHI1L3Fast and Unleavened Bread Processing Techniques3
6VHI1M2Keamanan, Kebersihan dan Sanitasi26VHI1M2Keamanan, Kebersihan dan Sanitasi2
7UAI1A2Pendidikan Agama dan Etika27UAI1A2Religious Education and Ethics2
8UWI1A2Pengantar Bahasa Inggris28UWI1A2Introduction to English2
Jumlah SKS 20Total Credits 20
Semester 33rd Semester 
1VHI2A3Layanan Informasi Hotel31VHI2A3Hotel Information Services3
2VHI2B2Operasional Laundry dan Linen Hotel22VHI2B2Hotel Laundry and Linen Operations2
3VHI2C3Operasional Banquet dan Room Service Hotel33VHI2C3Banquet Operations and Hotel Room Service3
4VHI2D3Teknik Pengolahan Masakan Tradisional34VHI2D3Traditional Cuisine Processing Techniques3
5VHI2E3Teknik Pengolahan Kue, Gateux dan Torte35VHI2E3Cake, Gateux and Torte Processing Techniques3
6VHI2F3Bahasa Inggris Untuk Divisi  Makanan dan Minuman26VHI2F3English for the Food and Beverage Division2
7VHI2G2Psikologi Pelayanan27VHI2G2Psychology of Service2
8UKI2C2Bahasa Indonesia.28UKI2C2Indonesian Language 2
Jumlah SKS 20Total Credits 2
  Semester 44th Semester 
1VHI2H3Manajemen Divisi Kamar31VHI2H3Room Management Division3
2VHI2I3Gastronomi dan Seni Kuliner32VHI2I3Gastronomy and Culinary Arts3
3VHI2J2Metodologi Penelitian Pariwisata23VHI2J2Tourism Research Methodology2
4VHI2K2Teknik Pengolahan Minuman 24VHI2K2Beverage Processing Techniques2
5VHI2L2Teknik Pengolahan Gula dan Coklat25VHI2L2Sugar and Chocolate Processing Techniques2
6VHI2M2Bahasa Inggris Untuk Divisi Kamar26VHI2M2English for the Room Division2
8UWI2C2Literasi Teknologi28UWI2C2Technology Literacy2
9VPI2M2 Olahraga 29VPI2M2Sports2
Jumlah SKS 20Total Credits 20
Semester 55th  Semester 
1VPI3GCMagang121VPI3GCIntrenship 12
Jumlah SKS 12Total Credits 12
Semester 66th  Semester 
1VHI3A4Proyek Akhir41VHI3A4Final Project 4
2VHI3B2Manajemen Sumber Daya Manusia 22VHI3B2Human Resource Management2
3VHI3C2Sales Dan Marketing Pariwisata23VHI3C2Tourism Sales and Marketing2
4VHI3D2Pengendalian Biaya24VHI3D2Cost Control2
5VHI3E2Bahasa Inggris Untuk Pariwisata25VHI3E2English for Tourism2
6VHI3F2Manajemen Perhelatan / MICE26VHI3F2Event Management / MICE2
7VHI3G2Bahasa Asing 27VHI3G2Foreign Language 2
9VPI2G2Pengembangan Profesionalisme29VPI2G2Profesional Development2
Jumlah SKS 20Total Credits 20